Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I feel like I am just now finding the time and energy to stop and blog a bit. Moving to Florida really was quite the ordeal for me. I didn't realise how different everything would be. We all had some serious culture shock but things are getting better now. Our new ward is so awesome, the people are so friendly and happy to have us here, I think the friendliness of our ward has given balance to the rest and made our short stay tolerable. The kids are all making new friends.
Adam received the priesthood a couple weeks ago. I love being able to see him pass the sacrament. My parents were able to come up and see him ordained a Deacon and it was so wonderful having them here, I really think it boosted the moral at our house.
When my parents were here we were able to briefly see the Everglades but we quickly figured out why the park was so empty, it was the wet session and the misquotes were horrible but it was fun to drive down to the very tip of Florida and look out into the ocean, even though we could only tolerate it for about five minutes. We were all a little bummed though because we weren't able to see any real, live crocks but Eric and I are going to take the kids back in December during Eric's school break. Hopefully we will see some crocks then.