Monday, January 28, 2008

President Hinckley

Since the passing of the beloved LDS Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley, I have been reflecting about how he changed my life for good.

I remember a video clip I saw years ago with President Hinckley surrounded by children as he sang “I am a Mormon Boy.” He loved his faith, children, and the family. In many of his conference talks, he encouraged the Saints to strengthen their family ties by talking softer, being kinder, and spending quality time with their families.

His witty humor and wise advise encouraged me to be a softer, kinder, mother and wife, and to always “Do the very best I can—Gordon B. Hinckley”

Friday, January 4, 2008

Teens Cutting Hair?

There are times when all I can do is sit back and laugh, this is definitely one of these times. Eric came into the front room with cape and buzzers in hand to say he needed a haircut and wanted Jennifer and Adam to do it. Wide eyed, I sat back and observed the reaction. Jennifer immediately ran to the other room, to get away from her fathers bazaar request while Adam reluctantly took the buzzers from his dad's hand and turned them on. With Buzzers on Adam shaved his dads hair, giggling almost the whole time. Jennifer finally decided this was too funny to pass up so she joined the fun teasing her dad about all the mistakes they "could" make. I am still not sure why Eric wanted them to cut his hair, he hasn't let me cut his hair in almost 10 years, but it sure added some great comic relief to our day.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Can't Stop Laughing

Remember John Edwards $400 hair cut?