Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Today I am laying beside my wonderful Rachel's hospital bed waiting for her to wake up from her open heart surgery she had last night.

Last night the nurse who took Rachel into surgery had to pull us aside and let us know how sweet Rachel was as she rode the red power car to surgery. Rachel let the nurses know she would be fine because so many people were praying for her. Rachel was right, we have had such a comforting outpouring of people saying they were praying for our daughter. That gave our family so much strength.

Rachel is now laying in bed sleeping. Her recovery nurse let me know Rachel is doing well and was very conversant this morning. Rachel's biggest concern was how much she missed her two younger brothers. :)

Rachel is in good spirits, she wouldn't let the nurse close the blinds this morning because she said " I love the rays of sunshine on me". When the nurse was trying to asses Rachel's pain, Rachel told her she didn't mind hurting because it means she will live longer. Such wise words from such a little person.