Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day Redo

Mother's Day this year was kind of a bomb. We woke up at 7:00 a.m. to get the kids ready for 9:00 a.m. church. Since I'm still on bed rest I stayed home with Jacob. The rest of the kids woke up on the wrong side of the bed and started fighting as soon as they woke up. Eric and I were amazed at how hard it was to get them all dressed and out the door.

When every one was gone I took Jacob upstairs to try to catch my breath and settle my frazzled nerves but Jacob of course had a different idea. He tried to flush nonflushable things and dump out pretty much anything he could get his hands on. I put him down for an early nap around 11:00 and went to go take a nap myself, hoping when I woke up things would be a little easier but when the kids and Eric got home from church Eric thought it would be nice for Mother's Day if the older kids made grilled sandwich's for everyone but that wasn't such a great idea because they both just fought over why the other one should have to do it and then they both took off upstairs when Eric went to get undressed. GRRR! Not a great day!

Eric Gracefully, and lovingly made a late wonderful dinner (cheesy chicken, rice, gravy, and veggies.) and due to what seemed like constant fighting all day we put all the kids to bed early--they needed extra sleep.

The next morning I was woke up at 6:30 am (we do scripture study as a family before Jennifer heads out to school) to CHEERFUL children singing me happy Mother's Day and to a decorated angel food cake (that was meant for the night before but I wasn't in the mood for it the night before) with lots of strawberries and whip cream, it was really sweet of them. The whole rest of the day the kids all worked so hard to be kind to each other and do their own chores without fighting--That's a BIG thing at our house. Monday was a much better Mother's Day. Thank heavens for redos. :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Joseph Lost a Tooth

The other day I was looking at Joseph as he smiled up at me and I noticed his once straight teeth in one place on the bottom weren't so straight anymore so I had him open his mouth and there stood, behind his baby tooth, an adult tooth. I was pretty shocked just because he is only 4 years old and the rest of my children were solidly five or six before they had a loose tooth.

Joseph was ecstatic to know he was going to loose his first tooth. He has had such a hard time because Rachel (now seven) has been loosing lots of teeth and getting many visits from the tooth fairy and Joseph has felt totally left out.
Eric helped Joseph's tooth fall out by flicking it a few times. Joseph proudly held his tiny tooth, went to the kitchen to put it in a baggy, and go put it under his pillow so the tooth fairy could come. It was so fun to watch how proud and big he felt.