Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Our Anniversary :)

Eric and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary last week. The past four years we haven't done much because of Eric's hefty school schedule but this years my oldest daughter, Jennifer, decided that all needed to change.

She secretively planned our anniversary for us. She had been asking me for quite a while what places in Florida I would like to see. I had mentioned how great it would be to go visit the Florida Keys so she actively found all sorts of attractions. About a week before our anniversary she reminded us how imortant it was for us to do something special; she then showed us all the research she had done on the Florida Keys, it was quite impressive and looked like a lot of fun. We were lucky enough to have one free day, on our anniversary, when Eric had no classes so we decided to take her up on her offer and go visit the Keys for the day.

For lunch we ate at a restraunt that used to be a sea turtle cannery, check out what we found on the menu, it's always fun to try new foods.

After lunch we bought tickets to go on a glass bottom boat to see Florida's protected coral reefs and the brightly colored fish who inhabit them. When we were out at sea we were able to watch the sun set, that really was amazing. Later that night we tried some other Key West cuisine; fresh, locally made, Key Lime Pie, y-u-m-m-y, and then we had Mahi Mahi which is dolphin fish, (it's not the cute flipper dolphin you think of) that was Eric's and my favorite dish, the crispsy fried alligator we had earlier in the day tasted too much like cat fish to me.

When we got home (after midnight) Jennifer had made us a happy anniversary cake, that we all enjoyed, and all the kids had helped create a banner for us. We really had a great time and we felt so loved to see all the effort the kids went through to make sure we would have a special anniversary.

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