Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wow, Jacob is Walking!

I really didn't think Jacob would start walking this early. All the other kids, except for Jennifer, started walking at 14 months. Jennifer walked at 9 months, it was so cute seeing her walk because she was so tiny.
Jacob had taken a step here and there but no real walking. Then the other day he stood up --on his own-- and walked to Jennifer. Wow, we were all shocked and excited. We all applauded him like crazy, He thought that was so great so he kept walking back and forth and all over the room. :) Eric was at school so he missed it. :( But Jacob was so happy to show his dad he could walk as soon as he got home.
I am sad and happy. Sad because his baby time is fading fast and happy because he is growing and progressing. It is so fun to see him learn new things. It is also exciting to watch him pass through the new phases of his life. I never get tired of seeing the first crawl, word, and step. :)

1 comment:

Julie Earley said...

Yea Jacob!!!! Way to go, buddy. Now everyone will just try and keep up ;)