Thursday, December 27, 2007

What can you make with old telephone and jewelery wire?

Our Christmas tree didn't make it to Florida. Our moving van was stuffed to the brim so Eric kinda, gave it away. We planned on buying a live tree for Christmas but then we saw the prices of trees and all we could afford was a Charley Brown tree and the kids really didn't like that. So, I thought we would make a tree, I figured it would be a very good bonding family activity. So Eric got some old telephone wire and I grabbed my jewelry wire. We molded the telephone wire into a spiral shape and used the jewelery wire for support along the sides of the loops. We thought it would be a quick project but it was a lot more difficult than we thought it would be. It took us two days to get our tree to kind of hang right but the kids were now really excited about the idea of making a tree so we kept plugging along. We figured it didn't need to look perfect they just wanted something that resembled a Christmas tree so Eric ran to the store and grabbed some green garland and lights so we could wire it to our tree. We were so happy when we finished and hung it up. The kids love it because they worked so hard to create it. It also is very nice because when we take it down it will collapse and fit into a pizza box :) that's Eric's favorite part.


Kathy said...

I love your tree! What a wonderul idea! The kids look so happy, it is wonderful when they get old enough to help with the presents for Christmas morning. I love that so much.

Julie Earley said...

This is the coolest tree I have seen in years! You guys are awesome.