Thursday, December 27, 2007


Christmas is my other favorite holiday. We don't spend much time on the big Santa thing, we still do presents but we work as a family to concentrate on the Saviors birth and serving others. We started the months out making service chains. Our whole family made their own paper count down to Christmas chain. On each chain we all wrote down a secret act of service we would do for a member of the family. It really changed the mood of our house because everyday 6 people were doing nice things for each other, it was great. Around the middle of the month we made our own Christmas tree, the kids had a great time doing that. On Christmas Eve, after the little kids were asleep, Jennifer and Adam helped put together Rachel and Joseph's presents and on Christmas morning everyone woke up around 9:00 a.m.. Eric and I made our traditional Pumpkin Pancakes with Apple syrup and we all ate and talked. After breakfast we all sat down and opened presents, it was very relaxing morning.
In the evening we had the missionariess and a newly baptised family over for dinner, we had a great time laughing and enjoying each others company. Here are a couple pictures of our friends. The missionary posing with his hand on his chin is Elder Jenkins and the other is Elder Stanger. Our Friend sitting by Jennifer is Luz Calone and let me tell you she kept us in stitches all evening, she is a hoot. Luz also has a 9-year-old daughter but she was in the other room with Rachel. We love them all and were so thankful for friends to spend the holidays with. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. :)

1 comment:

Kathy said...

It sounds like you had a wonderul time. I am happy to see the pictures. How great to serve God in such a way, as well as each other.

I need to simplify. I still stress out about presents, I think a left-over emotion from my perfectionist dad. I need to let everything go. Cash is good, very good. And not hard at all to shop for.