Monday, March 10, 2008

Jacob's First Sign :)

We started teaching Jacob a few ASL signs to help him communicate with us until he can speak. Yesterday he came to me a little fussy, I went to pick him up and he was doing the sign for milk--with both hands--so I asked him if he wanted milk and I did the the sign back. He started giggling and repeated the sign. He did it again for Jennifer this morning, it is so exciting! The kids and I are all energized to teach him even more signs so he can communicate with us. It is amazing how keen their little minds are. I am sure this will help lessen the out-bursts of frustration he sometimes has. YAHOO, happy day!!! :)


The Dixon Family! said...

Thanks for the comment! We have taught our girls ASL too and they have caught on really well. My oldest gets confused and signs for please but says thank you. It's kind of funny. I think it's a great thing to teach your children and they do catch on so much easier than me! Great job!

Troop 220 said...

I just saw your post on my blog. It is so cool when they start to catch on to signing. You will find that there will be less frustrations. You should really check out We used this series to teach our little ones and it is amazing. Our 3 child has a brain disorder that has severly affected her speech and we sign with her so she can communicate. Anyway we love Signing Time.

Anonymous said...

Way cool! I'm HOH (hard-of-hearing) and have taught my kids sign. Things like: juice, milk, food, more, finished, excuse me, help, momma, daddy, baby, kitty. Isn't it so FUN to see them interact with you at such a young age? :)

By the way, I'm checking your blog out from CafeMom/LDS Moms group.

Nancy Jensen said...

Thanks for your comments on my blogs. I figured out that you found me through CafeMom/LDS. I came to your blog before I knew how you found me and I almost imediately knew that you are LDS too. Your blog has that nice spirit about it. :)

We had to teach our daughter ASL when she was very young in order to facilitate speech. She had a stroke in the speech are of her brain during heart surgery when she was 5 months old. By the time she was 18 months old she could sign 80+ words! It really was awesome that she could communicate since talking was so difficult - but we were very blessed and she was able to learn to talk after a lot of work and prayers. That was way back before people used to teach their young children to sign - 19 years ago.

What a fun experience to see your son so excited that you understood his sign for milk.