Monday, November 24, 2008


Life really can get away from us sometimes. Eric and I have been doing a lot of reflecting lately. I think it all happened about a month ago when we took Jennifer to the DMV to get her learners permit for driving. I had mixed emotions about the whole thing--freedom, she can now take herself to school activities that are 22 miles away and oh my, my baby is driving! I have to admit she is doing very well in her driving but wow where did all the time go.

We live in a tiny town in southern Utah that is perfect for young teens who are learning to drive. Main street runs the length of the town and is about a 1 1/2 miles long it is great for the hand full of 15-year-old kids who are practicing to get their drivers licence. The towns people are all pretty patient when they figure out it's one the the towns student drivers, I do love living in a small town. :) Eric had her drive home from wal-mart the other day (13 miles, they took the back roads and avoided the freeway). Her experience with that wasn't as wonderful. People didn't like having to go 30 mph, oops. She was pretty nervous but she did it!

We put Jennifer in High School and one of the classes she is taking is art. The students semester project was to draw a large picture for an in-school art show, Jennifer drew a wolf. Eric and I were amazed as we watched her drawing come together. When all the students drawings were finished her teacher framed them and had them placed around the school for the art show. Jennifer's drawing won the student choice award, She is pretty excited about it.

She also is taking a physics class where the students built mouse trap cars and then raced them. She had so much fun building it. On the day they raced them Jennifer's car won the Longest distance award. She worked so hard on it and had great ideas!

I wish I had pictures of her drawing and her mouse trap car but they are still on display at her school so I will post them when we get them back.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

What a fun thing. Driving is such a luxury when you have someone else to do the driving for you. With dad's broken leg and ankle, I have had to do all the driving up until last week. ugh. I hate driving. He drives a little now, but only to his therapy and to church and stuff. Have fun Jen! You will love the freedom driving can give you. See you all on Thursday.