Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Can't Believe This!

A couple days ago we woke up to a huge crash. Eric ran up stairs to find Jacob, our 2 year old, had thrown his computer on the wood floor and bend the power cord. Wew, Eric was able to fix the cord and the computer was still working. Yesterday night as we were working on Eric's Nevada Bar application he noticed his computer (which has almost everything he needs for his application saved on it) was freezing up more than normal so he restarted it and we called it a night and went went home to go to bed or at least tried to. We both had horrible insomnia--too many worries about getting this application post marked by Saturday (Feb 28th).

We got up early this morning, feeling a great deal of pressure, we only have three days left to finish up everything and Eric found Jacob laying on his computer POUNDING on it! Talk about panicking. Eric got him off the computer only to find it would not load up. We called my mom, who knows lots about computers, and she told Eric how he could get his Bar application document and the other vital information saved onto a memory stick. (Thanks SO much mom). It took us about an hour to get the computer to the point he could get to the needed documents, and thank heavens Eric was able to save them to the memory stick.

Eric's computer is out of commission for now :( and this computer problem set us back half a day but hopefully, somehow we will still make the deadline! :-/ After this is all over I need a spa visit or I will at least dream of having one. :)

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I am so glad that you were able to get the files onto the memory stick. I am so sorry that this happened to you. I always say "Never let a computer know if you need something, or you are in a hurry, cause it will give you problems every time..." I know from much experience, many lost files, and a couple crashed drives and dead computers. Hope all turns out ok.