Sunday, December 27, 2009

Eric and Rebekah

In the last 7 months we have had a couple big changes. Eric decided to take the Nevada bar which happened to be the same time we were due with our sixth baby. It all worked out, I was induced a week early and I was relieved to only have a 3 1/2 hour labor with her (probably because I had pre-term labor for five months). Rebekah Rose (named after her Great-Grandma Rose Day) was born July 15. Something that really amazed Eric and I was, when Rebekah was born she seemed to be born smiling. Now at 5 months old she still is smiling and she has such a wonderful personality. With five other siblings she gets lots of cuddles and hugs. It is so wonderful to watch them with her.

After Rebekah's birth Eric left a few days later to go back to Las Vegas to finish up his studies for the Bar and prepare to take the Bar the end of July. The Bar came and left, Eric felt he did good on it and packed up his things to come back home, we were all so happy to have him back. He was in Las Vegas for almost three months (I was SO thankful for all the help my mother in-law gave me. Looking back I don't know how I could have gotten through it, on bed-rest, with out her. She was amazing!) Then the waiting happened we wouldn't know the results till the beginning of November. That was a very long and painful 3 months the results came back and Eric passed the Bar with a pretty high score too, we were all very proud of him. I thought the rest would be a cake walk but it has proven to be a lesson in patience for me as Eric puts in lots of applications in a very competitive market and we just wait for someone to reply. It has only been a couple months since we found out he passed the Bar so I am sure he will find something soon.

We are all so happy to have our new baby girl Rebekah, to have Eric back with us, and to know he passed the Nevada Bar.

1 comment:

Willow said...

Tell Eric to apply for jobs in Michigan -- I miss you!

Friends of mine just had their second daughter. Because it was a high-risk pregnancy, they had a lot of hi-tech things done during the pregnancy. A late in-womb video of their little Arista shows her smiling in the womb. And she does it a lot now that she's here, also -- and she's only 7 weeks old.

Rebekah has a soul sister! :)

Lisa Gottlieb-Kinnaird