Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gram Cracker Houses

We had a great time making gram cracker houses this year. Jennifer and Adam got out their artistic abilities and spent hours perfecting their houses. It was so much fun watching them get so detailed with their designs.
Jennifer's wintry wrap around deck house.
Adam's inviting open door and take a seat house. Adam was going to take his house out and shoot it with his air soft gun until he ended up spending hours putting it together. :)

Eric even had fun making one because he knew he could dunk his in milk and eat it when he was done. :)

Joseph and Rachel both had a great time putting their houses together with little help. We were pretty amazed with Joseph's he put his together using only frosting (because he wanted to eat it later). Joseph insisted on doing his all by himself, five year olds are so independent I love their initiative. :) Jacob had a great time eating the gram crackers, frosting, and candy. I am paying for that now with him running all over with super hyperactivity but it was still a fun activity.

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